Monday, October 24, 2011

This week was.....MIRACULOUS!!

Dear Ward Family,

Man, I just get so happy when I read your guys letters! It’s good to know that I have a barbaric (they use that to say awesome or cool here) family that I love so much. I guess I’ll start out by telling Ava good job in the primary program! That is one of the most important truths that we have, if not the most important and it is something I say almost every day. I just say "Nuestro Padre Celestial y su Hijo, Jesucristo, se le aparacieron a Jose Smith.¨ Collin, I imagine that you’re super good at volleyball now and keep dominating. Connor, congrats that you’re going to the temple man! I miss the temple so bad, so live it up! Just one piece of advice, don’t stress too much and just listen to the Spirit. Mom, I love the BOM so much too. I started something about 2 weeks ago and I think I’ll do it for the rest of my mission. I’ve started walking around with a BOM in my hand all day every day and its amazing how it has strengthened my testimony and the testimony of others already. Congrats for finishing and keep reading! If you wanna try something different, read together and mark 4 different things in 4 different colors: 1. Every time that there is a reference to Jesus Christ 2. The words of Jesus Christ 3. The attributes of Jesus Christ 4. Important principles and doctrines from the Book of Mormon. It’s awesome!  Dad, thanks for reminding me of some of my duties that I have as a missionary and for always making me want to do better.

Alright...this week was...miraculous. Remember Silvia? Well, on Monday night we had a family night with her and her sister Araceli who is a recent convert. We had finished everything and Elder Leiva and I both felt really strongly that we should challenge her to be baptized THIS weekend. It was a huge jump of faith for her, having to leave her husband and start her new life so soon but she said yes! She was so happy this weekend and her baptism was amazing. I love her so much and she has taught me a bunch. First of all, because she is in a wheelchair but she plays wheelchair basketball and can do cool tricks and stuff with her chair. Also, because she has fought to raise her son basically by herself and had enough faith to leave her husband that she had been with for 12 years, not knowing how everything would go financially and stuff. She bore a sweet testimony in her baptism and shared that it doesn’t matter how big the sacrifice is if its for the Lord because He will always bless us with more. She is going to be an awesome member.

We’ve been teaching a family named Edwin and Mercedes in these past couple of weeks. We’ve hardly even taught them anything but we went to go visit them with the members on Wednesday and had an awesome family night with them. On Thursday night we went over and taught the lesson of the restoration. The Spirit was super strong and they listened really attentively. It was a long shot but we put a baptismal date for this Saturday the 29th and they said yes! It’s amazing how the Spirit touches peoples hearts and how beautiful and simple our message is. Please pray for this family cuz we’re going to baptize them. :)

What we played soccer and baseball and it was super legit. We just had to have a little discussion with the kids that were feeding their horses their to tell them to move. Also...I hit a ball on to a guy’s tin roof off a foul ball. He was NOT happy when I went to go ask for it. This week are the elections for who’s going to be the president. Let me just tell you that I’m glad that I live in the US because the elections are INSANE here. What other random things...Also this is the last week of transfers and I can’t believe how fast it went.

I have so much more to write about but I’ve gotta wrap it up. To answer your question mom, I don’t even want to talk about that. Let’s just say that I’m wearing dirty underwear right now. The girl that washes our clothes is....let’s just say that she’s not going to be washing our clothes next week. Somehow I don’t have hardly any socks anymore, I don’t have as many underwear any more, I lost my baptismal pants and tie a while back, and I think I’m good with shirts. Haha I’m sorta getting good with using the washboard things they have here. Umm...but yeah give me some time to think about the Christmas thing cuz right now I don’t know. But I will definitely be needing underwear and socks and stuff.

Les amo un montón y sean felizes! Tambien, no sean caballos. jaja no entienden, solo papá. Son bromas sobre el caballo.


Elder Ward 

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