Saturday, January 14, 2012

Advice to my Bro-Things I've Learned on my Mission

Hey Wards!

I’ll be honest with you, there haven’t been very many times where my heart has ached for home in my mission, but after reading those letters it’s kind of hard not too.  And it’s not just because of the parties, all the new stuff that is going on, but because I really love you guys. I imagine that it’s a little glimpse of what our Heavenly Father feels about us. He wants us to come home because He loves us. We are His eternal family.

I don’t really know where to start...I wish I had time to sit down and write a bunch to every one of you guys...but I feel like I should write a little bit to my bro...the soon to be Elder Ward.  Well...we’re really doin it Harry!!!! (inspiring right, that’s from Dumb and Dumber if you didn’t know)...but seriously I just wanted to give you a little bit of advice, maybe not even advice, but to tell you a couple of things that I’ve learned on my mission. 

1. Recognize that these 2 years are the most important of your whole life and for the rest of your life, there is no experience in this life that even comes close to serving a mission.

2. Always be worthy of the Spirit because it is what directs the work...train yourself to receive personal revelation and FOLLOW IT.

3. Love the people that you serve with all of your heart, and remember that they are not numbers or baptismal statistics, they are children of God.  Also, love your companions no matter how difficult they are...the Lord knows why they’re your companion even if you don’t.

4. There is no such thing as a sacrifice...we just pay back a small percentage of what we have been given.

5. Don’t focus so much on the results of your work. There are two amazing missionaries from the BOM, Abinadi and Ammon. Ammon baptized thousands of people and Abinadi just reactivated a less active member. Who was better than the other? Both, because they both did what the Lord commanded them to do.

6. Be BOLD. Do things that other missionaries are afraid to do. Talk to everyone...pastors from other churches, rich people, poor people, people on buses, you name it. The gospel isn’t pest control, taking "no" as an answer means a lot more than having bugs in your house.

7. Be obedient, and do it with love. Don’t be like the Pharisees who obeyed just to obey, but obey because you love the Lord and want to have His spirit.

8. You will have days where you want to give up, when you will suffer, where you may think that it’s not worth it to be there.  Remember that these two years are an opportunity to feel a little bit of what Christ felt and what He did...draw closer to Him in those times.

9. Work hard. If you want to have success, WORK. 

10. If weird boils appear on certain parts of your body, get it looked at right away. Cut your toenails good, and come back with a cool accent so the girls like you more when you get back.

11. Give the Lord everything that you’ve got and remember the covenants that you made in the temple.  Pray to Him fervently every day and let Him guide the work.

Well...there’s a lot more than that but that’s good for now I think. Man, its super weird that Connor is leaving, but at the same time SUPER awesome! Dad, I hope that some of these things can help you out too, and I know that you will be an AWESOME Young Men’s President. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that they called you right as your 2nd son is leaving on a mission. That is no small feat for a what you did with us and they will make it to where we are. I’ll be thinking about that homework assignment. :)

This week was barbaric (barbaro). On Sunday that guy that asked us if he could get baptized went to church with his wife and they loved it. We’re just helping Ramón to stop smoking now. Can’t remember who I wrote about last week, but Henry and Maricela are one of the most prepared families I’ve met here in Nicaragua. They love the gospel already. We were teaching them about the Law of Chastity and we hadn’t even said 5 sentences when he says..."Wait a guys want to marry us huh?" I was like..."well, yeah that’s what the Lord wants." and he says "awesome, because that’s our goal!" There were other questions like "Hey, how long do I have to wait to get baptized? and (wife) Is it ok if I get baptized again too because I already got baptized in another church.  Jaime and Juana are waiting for their divorce still and are SO awesome. They have super strong testimonies because they’ve been coming to church for like 7 months now.

As far as being financier goes, it’s been crazy. But I’m learning to love it, there are times when I just feel happy knowing that I’m serving the Lord or even helping serve President. We took President’s kids to school yesterday and it was way fun...and weird. I felt like a Dad. They were kinda bummed about going back to school after vacation so Elder Call and I, pretended like we had a radio station and it was super hilarious. Also, it’s weird going from Pricesmart and buying a bunch of food one minute then going out to the boondocks to a tin house and dirt floor to preach the gospel...pretty cool.

Anyways, I love you guys so much! Mom, I don’t think I will need those shoes but thanks anyways. My packages still haven’t come yet but I wont lose faith. Keep it real in AZ.


Elder Ward

PS Connor, write me ya little bum

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