Monday, November 7, 2011

A Miracle Happened This Week

P-day with my zone ( I am in the very back on the left)
  Hey mom and dad!
Man...fachentos (“rich people” in Nicaragua), you guys are in Hawaii... I’m glad that you guys are getting to spend some time together there. And the rain and the bugs sound just about how Nicaragua is. Haha. It sounds like life has been super crazy lately but I’m glad everything is going well. By the way, we only have an hour to write now instead of 1.15 so I gotta make this kinda quick.

On Wednesday we had changes meeting. It was way sweet because I ran into Collin Pace and I’ve hardly seen him at all. We were sitting next to each other and when they got to where he was going they said Xiloa which is an area in our zone!!!!!!!! We were both super stoked because we go to the same church building and everything on Sundays. So that was kinda cool. We went fishing and had a picnic at the lake in his area. 

To answer your question before I forget, my toe is better...but the bad thing is that I think I have allergies to something in our room so I have a bunch of red bumps all over my body but I’m taking Benadryl which has helped a little. 

This week a miracle happened. I was reading an article this week called faith precedes miracles. I loved it because it gave examples like when Noah started to build his ark there wasn’t a cloud in the sky... Anyways...I’ve been thinking a lot lately about who we were going to baptize this month. Long story short, I don’t know if you remember Mario and Junieth, the family that makes piñatas that split up? Well I never really wanted to give up hope on them and Elder Leiva and I prayed that the Lord would work a miracle and get them back together. This Saturday we saw them walking in the street together and I just got the happiest feeling ever... I couldn’t believe it! We went to go visit them last night and they immediately asked if they could still get married (which they didn’t want much to do with before) and baptized (which was kind of a surprise) I learned that sometimes we have to hit rock bottom, feel a true godly sorrow like Alma the Younger did, to be able to come back up. We are so STOKED that they will get married and baptized this Saturday.

We had a lesson with Edwin and Mercedes that really built my testimony too. Edwin basically just broke down and told us how difficult his whole life had been (mom is dying, his little son is really sick, he’s not getting paid enough, his dad tried to kill him when he was younger, he’s addicted to cigarettes...the list goes on...) and he said its just not fair that he has had to go through all that. We talked a lot about the Atonement, and read a little bit of the story of Job. Even though he had such a horrible life, he knew that he would see God in his resurrected body. It made me really think that no matter what we go through here, the Lord ALWAYS has something a millions times better if we are faithful. It felt good to be able to explain that to him.

This weekend has also been kinda crazy with the elections. Lets just say it’s not like the States... There is a ton of corruption with the voting process too. The former president won again so it looks like Nicaragua continues to go down the drain. There was a drunk guy in the street dancing like a maniac so I took a picture with him. It was pretty awesome.

Anyways... I miss you guys a bunch and I love you lots. Just know that I’m super happy here in the mission and I know that this gospel is true and that Jesus Christ is our Savior. 

Love your son,

Elder Ward

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