Monday, March 21, 2011

One pretty awesome week!

Hello lovelies,

Another week gone by in the greatest two years of my whole life, and like always, a lot has been going on here. It sounds like a lot has been going on over there too. Haha, it’s pretty hilarious to think that birthday parties are so horrible for Ava. Also, that’s sweet that you guys have the Bosco tournament this week. Keep kickin it Connor and Collin. (PS-today I touched a volleyball for the first time and just about died.’s worth it to be here). Also I did get medicine for the parasites and I’m totally good now! I feel fine so don’t worry too much mom. Also, I got my package!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for your letters, pictures, and everything. It was a great belated b-day gift. Also, I love the backpack mom, so thank you big time. Also thanks for the letters that you sent I got them all this week.
SOooo this week has been pretty awesome, I’m not gonna lie. We’ve seen a lot of miracles in our area lately. This weekend we have 5 baptisms planned and each one of them are people that are so AWESOME. Kelvin is 14 and is Mayory´s son. It was pretty cool we taught him how to pray (which was pretty difficult because he doesn’t speak Spanish), and on Sunday he came running out of the class with a huge smile on his face because he said the prayer. Jorge is about 23 years old and is one of the most humble people I know. He has never attended a church before but he has so much faith and already has a great love for the gospel. This week we went to teach him for the first time in a month or so and the first thing he asked was, ¨Hey, remember I was gonna get baptized. Can I still get baptized because I really want to?¨ HELLO…golden investigator! Marging is 20 yrs old and is a lot like Jorge. He has always done good in his life and has always looked for the truth, but he just didn’t know where to find it. He’s got a good friend on a mission and he says that he wants to get baptized and follow in his footsteps. Marcia is the woman that I talked about last week. She is such an awesome lady and is so ready to get baptized. Abril is her grand daughter that LOVES going to primary and begs us to come over every day to teach her lessons haha.
Anyways, we’re seeing a lot of success right now along with the rest of the zone. It’s approximated that as a zone we will have about 40 just this month. It’s so amazing to see how the Lord prepares people to hear the gospel. I feel like I develop a greater love for these people every day and there is so much joy in this work.
Random story for the week…last night we were walking to an appointment and this man walked up to us holding his little daughter. He said, ¨Here, take her, you don’t have to pay or anything.¨ We were a little taken aback. He went on to explain that she was starving and that she needed to eat tonight. We then began to talk about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and that he could help his family in this difficult time. We offered to come to his house right then but he said he had to look for food. We felt prompted to offer to buy something in the little store down the street and right when we did he said, “THAT is exactly what I wanted to hear. I was testing you. I wanted to know if you two really are good people because people are known by their actions. Now I know that you two are followers of Jesus Christ.¨ Turns out he was a pastor from another church. It was a pretty strange experience but just goes to show that people are always watching the things that we do and that our strongest testimonies are those that we bear through our actions.
Anyways...I love you guys a bunch and I’m glad to hear that you’re doing well. Keep loving each other and never ever forget how blessed we are.

Love much,

Elder Trevor Ward

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