Monday, June 20, 2011

One Pretty Sweet Week


What’s up guys? That’s nuts that you guys got to see me this week! Haha, I was a little confused when I read that first line that said that you guys saw me. I thought you had come to Nicaragua without telling me or something. That video is pretty sweet though huh? (Trevor’s mission has a blog and there was video on it made by his zone)

Zona Masaya

First of all, I just want to say Happy Father's day dad! I hate to say it but I totally forgot about that. Well, not really, but all the holidays are different over here so I got confused. But I just want to say thank you for being an awesome dad. The other day we were talking to a guy named Julio whose family just went to the temple and who hasn’t gone to church for a while. We were talking about how the role of being a father is the most important one that he has and will ever have. I told him that I was where I am today thanks to a lot of the things you’ve taught me. Love you dad.

Welllll, this week was a pretty sweet one. This week on Saturday we married a guy named Marvin to his wife Gilma. Marvin is a returned missionary and Gilma is the first investigator I ever had in Nicaragua. She always wanted to get baptized but Marvin, the ingrate, didn’t want to get married. It’s crazy how the Lord touches people’s hearts and that even the vilest of sinners can change. Gilma is getting baptized this Saturday so we’re pretty stoked! Haha, also I let Marvin borrow my suit which is hilarious cuz he’s pretty short. Looked a little baggy.

Yesterday, I gave a talk on the role that the members have in missionary work. I shared the story about Joey and Sister Dell'Oso and how much joy that brought to our lives. Basically, to be able to do missionary work a member needs to have three things. 1. The desire 2. Divine help 3. To know how to do it. The members are so important in this work, and I know that the day when every member does their part in missionary work will be the day that missionary work will be at its best. I encourage you guys to pray for missionary opportunities and to be bold enough to invite friends and neighbors to come unto Christ. Remember that OUR eternal salvation depends on it too.

We had a super sweet family night out in the boondocks on Saturday night with two families that we’re teaching. We acted out parts of Chapter 3 and 4 of 1 Nefi (yep that’s Spanish). It was fun to watch the little kids act out their parts, and I still think I have a bump on my head from where Anthony (or Nephi) chopped my head off with his sword (my umbrella).

Well, it looks like this is my last week in Masaya. I’m really, really going to miss this place. I’m ready for a change but I was thinking about all that has happened here and I have grown a lot in this place. I love being a missionary so much and I love this gospel. I love you guys so much and I’m stoked that we can live together FOREVER!!!!!!!!



PS- Tell Taylor that I love him. (LONG LIVE THE 4 HORSEMEN!) My goal is to finish my mission as well as Elder McBride did.

Elder Ward, Elder Pace (a friend from AZ), and Elder Dimond

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