Saturday, January 7, 2012

We Just Have to Find Them

Hey Family!

We’re in the future now! Woo Hoo 2012!!! Man, do I have a lot of stuff to write to you guys and so little time...but here it goes. 

On Sunday we confirmed this woman named Rosario who is super awesome. She lives really, really far away from the church, like up in the mountains but she comes to church WALKING. Anyways, I thought it was way cool cuz after church she was like, “Brothers!!! Guess what I’m going to do right now?! Visit less actives with the Relief Society!” I love to see little things like that...when normal people become true disciples of Jesus Christ. We also had a nice little surprise on Sunday. We were sitting there when one of the AP´s, Elder Reyes, came up and told me that we had a family in church. I was like...mmm no we don’t, and he introduced us to a family that he had taught before. His name is Miguel and his wife Maria and her 3 kids. The wife and kids are members but the husband never could get baptized because he always had to work. We went and visited him that same day and invited him to be baptized on the 21st of this month and he said yes! That just showed me that there are people that are so prepared to hear the gospel and that we just have to find them. 

Oops, I forgot about New Years Eve. We went to President’s house at around 9:30 and a return missionary that served as AP here like 2 years back came with his whole family. It was super weird hanging out with President’s family and a whole family of gringos, but at the same time it made me feel more at home. It was super hilarious because we had like a talent show where we sang a hilarious song, President and his family sang and danced a super funny folk dance/song thing, ate food, played ping pong, and let’s just say that the fireworks we have in the states look like birthday candles compared to what President bought. It was the best firework show ever! The coolest is from where they live you can see all of Managua, so we got to see all the fireworks.

On Monday Elder Ward (my old comp) had changes and I got a new comp! His name is Elder Talla and he’s from Panama. It’s kinda cool because he even knows uncle/President Ward (mission president in Panama). But he’s the new “materials secretary” and he’s a super nice dude. We’re super pumped because were finding new families that are just totally prepared to hear the gospel and we’re gonna baptize like crazy. Dad, I really liked your tandem bike story. We’re teaching a family named Henry and Maricela and they’re super positive except that he has a problem with drinking. I’ve come to find that something that always gets the head of the family to change is the rest of his family. It was pretty awesome because we asked if we could say a prayer with them to finish the lesson and he asked, “is it bad if we pray kneeling down, and can I say it.” There’s a man who knows what he needs to do to bring him and his family closer to the Savior.

Wow, there’s so much more to tell you guys, but I’ve gotta go. Just know that I love u guys a bunch and that I love being a missionary! Connor, I love you a bunch too man and just make sure that you’re getting ready to be an instrument in the Lord’s hands. Love you guys so much!


Elder Ward

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