Monday, August 1, 2011

The Lord Protects His Missionaries

Dear Barrios (Wards),

Hey guys:) how’s it goin? Its true mom, time is flying. I can’t believe that you guys just passed a whole summer. It’s good to hear from everyone though. It’s crazy how grown up Ava looks. I’m glad everyone is doing well though.

Honestly, this week was probably the toughest of my whole mission. I don’t really like to write home about the not-so-good parts of the mission but I’ll write about it because I learned a lot as well.

Haha...first crazy of the families that we are teaching lives super far away out in the middle of the jungla. We don’t like going there at night cuz there are no lights but we’ve been making sacrifices to go out and visit Duglas, Guadalupe, and their kids because they get home late sometimes. It was about 7:30 one night when we were coming home and we saw a group of six guys walking in front of us. All of a sudden three fell behind us and three went in front. We were thinking oh comp being from El Salvador smells danger before it even happens, so he books it. One of the guys whipped around grabbed me by my shirt and yells in my face ¨Da me lo que teneis maje!¨, which means, ¨give me everything you’ve got man!¨ Oddly enough, I’d usually be kinda freaked out, but I wasn’t scared and I felt like I should just be still. One of the other guys told him to leave me alone and they just walked off. I don’t really understand what happened still but I know that the Lord protects His missionaries. We decided we’re not gonna go there at night anymore.

Well...starting the week off we had 5 people that were gonna get baptized (keep in mind that we hadn’t baptized yet during the month). At the beginning of the week everything seemed good but on Friday, despite lots of fasting, prayer, and hard work, things started to get ugly.  Long story short, we ended up baptizing 0. It was a huge bummer because they were things that we really couldn’t control, like a pastor coming and telling them that our church is of the devil.

It still hurts to think about that, but I learned something that may be of even greater value to me than if we would’ve baptized. The Lord loves us enough to hurt us and to test us. I know that I’m more humbled than I ever have been in the mission. I realize even more now that this is HIS work, that we don’t do very much. I also thought a lot about the Savior and how He must feel when the people reject His gospel, and reject His Atonement. I’m even more grateful for my Savior and for his sacrifice. Sometimes we can give everything that we have and we don’t get the blessings that we want, when we want them. I love the scripture in Alma 26:27. The Lord lets us suffer, but if we do it with patience, he will bless us with success. But...that’s in the past now. It’s a new month, starting today. Last month we had a goal of baptizing 5 families, and I think that the Lord has humbled us enough to be able to do it this month.

This Sunday was pretty cool. We had Yira and Denis Espinoza, ¨El Pulpo¨ (or the octopus), at church. He’s the guy from the Nicaragua national selecion soccer team. It was funny because everyone was like oooooh El Pulpo!

Anyways, I love you guys a bunch and mom I totally forgot about those pictures. I’ll send you some next week though. Glad my grandmas are doing well and tell them I said hi. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!


Elder Ward

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