Saturday, June 2, 2012

I Will Go, I Will Do

Juan and Mirna's Baptism
Hey Pioneers!

Man, I’m a little jealous that you guys got to go on the pioneer trek. Honestly, that will always be one of my favorite memories of my teenage years. It truly is amazing to think about the sacrifices that have been made in this church and the sacrifices that continue to be made every day. I was thinking a little bit about missionary work and I remember a story that I think an apostle told (can’t remember which). I think he asked a leader of the Catholic Church why he didn’t ask his members to do missionary work and the leader replied, "They just wouldn’t do it." It truly is a blessing to have the testimonies that we do which motivate us to make those sacrifices that always pay off in the end.

Speaking of sacrifices...well we had changes this week. I was almost sure that I would be training a new financial secretary, but when changes came around I found out that wasn’t the case. I hate to admit it but I was pretty bummed. I thought about being here for another 6 weeks plus another 3-6 weeks training a new secretary. 9 months in the office?!?! I was pretty bummed just because I was excited to get to the field, maybe train a new missionary, get a break from the tiring responsibilities. I’ve been praying pretty hard to understand why I have to be here still and the answer came from a good friend, Juan Rivera (or as I call him John Rivers). He helps transport stuff throughout the mission and is a bishop in one of the wards in Ciudad Sandino. He told me that if I was still here it’s because the Lord wants me to learn something else. He then explained how he had seen a big change in me as I’ve been in the office and that I should be grateful for this opportunity. The AP’s also explained that I’m here still because I’m doing a good job. I’m starting to realize that I don’t really have anything to complain about...because I have learned SO much here and like you guys have said the Lord has done miracles in our area. So, "Iré y haré" like Nephi said. (I will go, I will do)

Juan and Mirna's Marriage and Baptism
Juan, Mirna, Daddy Yankee, Kobe Bryant, and Elmer Fudd’s baptism was great (those are the nephews’ nicknames). The craziest part was getting them and their whole family and us into two tiny taxis as it was pouring rain. President and Hermana Monestel showed up for part of the wedding and it was an all around awesome experience. Every time that we have a baptism it makes me want to be better, and "be born again" as they are. I’ll try to send you guys some pics.

Henry and Maricela had a little bit of a hold up with their baptism because Henry lost the important papers that they needed. He’s a policeman and he explained that he got in some crazy fight with some criminals and they got lost. Stupid Satan. Oh well...if everything goes well they will get married and baptized this week. Also, Henry and Stacy are still goin strong. Stacy went to church this week with two of her daughters and two days ago Henry asked, "Hey we’re getting baptized this Saturday right?" He’s only been to church once and it was like a month ago so we decided to give him one more chance to go to church and that next Saturday would be better.

Ok...this is getting super long. That’s awesome about the plane tickets! I’m super stoked for you guys to come. Also, Mom, that would be great if you could look into that BYU thing. Ill be praying hard to try and figure out what to do because I’m not really sure yet. Jared Reese asked me a while about rooming with him too but I don’t know how possible that would be if I went up mid semester. We’ll see. But yeaaahh I’ll finish strong…don’t worry about me!

Love you guys more than a Nicaraguan loves gallo pinto!

Elder Ward
Juan and Mirna

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